innovation in marine and aquaculture 2020-2021

Course summary: in this course you will learn basic practices in aquaculture, as well as latest innovations in the field.
A main mission will be designing your own farm, based on principles that are discussed in class.


-          Introduction to Aquaculture and Mariculture

-          Short history of aquaculture

-          Why do we need aquaculture?

-          Different methods and growing systems

-          Health and welfare and how to preserve it

-          Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) – how to calculate and maintain it

-          Principles in fish production

-          Basic genetics

-          Principles of larval rearing

-          Fish lab – the fish from within (dissecting a fish)

-          Innovations in aquaculture

-          Environmental impact:

o   How does aquaculture impact the environment?

o   How does the environment affect aquaculture?

-          Different solutions for environmental issues